<body> keep calm. <body>
oh man
Saturday, October 25, 2008

ok so we're down to the last...7 days b4 we go for our As. it's quite stressful, isn't it? well i noe for some of us we just dunt feel a sense of urgency when it comes to stuffs like that, but hey, u gotta start feeling fired up like, soon LOL "soon" the no. 1 word for procrastination.
i got really bored reading stuff. and holy shit man im getting dam distracted, yesterday i dug out RA, RA2, TS, Worms 2 =_____= sian tiberian sun cannot work, and i cant fix it. RA and RA2 i havent tried, but worms 2 works ^^ but SHIT LOL I SHLDNT BE DOING SUCH THINGS

hm i heard the my poor neighbour's daughter opposite screamin and shoutin jus now. not like i wanted to eavesdrop, i got my headphones on -.- but she was that loud, yea. anw she's really pissed abt her grades, cos she worked really hard and din do as well as she wanted to. ok this isn't abt her grades and how noob she is LOL please kaopei. no seriously, it's more like, i'm quite worried for some of us, and well ya for myself la duh. like, some of us may not get results as good as we deserve. which sucks. and not because we din work hard enough, more like because we're lazy -.- which is a shit reason. i mean we may end up regretting like, oh "Why din i start 2 weeks ago instead of 1 week ago" tt kinda bullocks. ya cos we wasted time doing things like this (blogging worthless thoughts)

=/ im sure most of us will do fine, just maybe not as gud as we may like. ya everyone has different standards, like e.g. 4A1B, ya tts lose for some ppl. but for me 4A1B is totally win alr -.- well good luck people, this is probably the most important WRITTEN exam we may ever take, so give it our best shot, dunt leave any regrets :D

silence @ 2:43 PM