<body> keep calm. <body>
Monday, August 25, 2008

hehe i just saw a preview of our class montage. LOL its quite obvious i dun like to take photos, hardly got any of my photos inside. and ya i din take any solo photos anyway, 'cept for 1. but the photos DAM FUNNY LOL omg it was a dam imba compilation. almost all the totally bizarre things that happened/we did are there! lol! haha other ppl probably wunt understand =/ but dao! it was funny! holy shit tmr got prelims and im talking cock here. omg im still feeling quite high, quite a few of the pics jus make me laugh like humbai! we sure had good times together :)

gd luck for prelims everybody! ^^

silence @ 10:35 PM

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

THANK YOU GUYS for the uber cute bear lol. dammit i got "turned" by u sneaky guys. but really, thanks loads.

^^ the card was very nice too, and it's jus proof tt our class girls are very creative.........................ya. -.- lol nt tt im trying to gloat, but lol, but i think i can guess wad uall trying to make me think is the meaning =) but nooo there mus be a "real" meaning ^^ lol thnx very much anyway!

haha the guys all wrote very characteristic messages, and ill reallyreally miss all of you, altho regrettably i never really talk tt much with some of you =/ u've all made the experience these 2 years absolutely...er...mind-blowing! LOL yea i tink some of us (or maybe it's just me ><) were cynical abt how this class was gna work out, cos u noe, lol got cliques and stuffs. but i do think we've done really great! i mean in the end, we just sorta "clicked"(notice the totally apt use of pun there? LOL -.-) yea and wad matters most is, and even if this sounds cliche i tink its true, we have fun together and we laugh and we're happy together, not to mention we share ^^^ stuff together. ^^ ahaha thank you, all of you, once again! :D

silence @ 9:08 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

actually this is a place i've been to before, although i won't say i really know the place, cos i wasnt there for all that long, and i've lost, sadly, all the picture we took there. =( yea its sad cos we took picture of many cool structures, things we definitely we wont get to see in singapore. anw ya, strasbourg (straw-s-bohr, roughly there) is a....well, not rly that well known city, i mean for most ppl, france = Paris/Marseille/Bordeaux, but strasbourg hardly comes to mind. yea even though it's home to the EU parliment lols =/

La Cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-Strasbourg, their most iconic structure, and pretty much the base of their "city centre" i din take this photo lols, i mean i really lost ALL the photos =/ or maybe my sis kept some of them ah wadeva. anw there's like, a row of cafe and restaurants in front of the cathedral, and not far away frm there is sth like the city square, its like an open space where fairs and other stuff are held. when we were there, a Russian fair thingy was being held. yea so the cafes and restaurants make for a cool place to hang out, although its mostly pretty crowded, cos, well its right beside the icon of the city, so duh -.- oh and the food is good too ^^ like normal western foodstuffs. we had lamb rack on one of the days and it was just :D and one of the eateries near the cathedral sells one of the best saucissons, i.e. sausages ive ever tasted. its dam juicy and, the one with cheese has cheese spurting out when u first bite into it, then it just oozes out of the centre of the sausage...*drool...*

lol random pic. its their "skytrain" thingy, kinda like a tram, but WAY cooler. its nicer than our mrt, i swear. and its really friggin quiet and sleek.

Maison Kammerzell, one of their oldest restaurants + structures. the food there is...good la, but i think i ordered the wrong stuff. my sis ordered salmon, and it was terrific, while i ordered some fish thingy, i forgot the name. its like, the fish meat is rolled around bundles of carrots and stuff which means i zhijie tio turn off -.-cos each roll is 20% fish 80% veg. i mean, im not saying french cuisine is ftl, no. and the "fish rolls" looked pretty, cos its like, a vibrant display of colours. aiya its jus a mismatch of tastes, so to speak. doh i dunt have a penchant for greens -.- oh btw their windows, the glass panes have "blowholes" in them, cos this is like a really old structure, frm the 15th century, so they preserved it, so the glass is still the dam old sort, like need ppl to blow into them before can form glass. we took a picture of a blowhole, but sadly, its lost=/

anw, theres another area in strasbourg called la petite france. there're more cafes and restaurants here, and its quieter than the cathedral area. so its nice if you'd like a peaceful afternoon ^^ oh and got this confectionary shop there, sells all sorts of jams. dates, apricots, lots of fruits u dun normally see being made into jam lol.

ok i was gonna write abt something i felt indignant about, but ill leave tt to another time, this post is long enough lol

p.s. i dun think ive done justice to strasbourg, its probably much nicer than i've been able to describe, all i can say is it's superb holiday location if you're sick of holidays in big cities, and there're many place for you to explore, wad i've described is really just the tip of the iceberg.

silence @ 8:38 PM

i tink im gna regret this -.-
Monday, August 11, 2008

Your Element Is Water

A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious.

That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep.

Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily.

You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others.

You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves.

You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful.

What's Your Element?

i dno how accurate this is.=/ no sand&sea today, i aint got any inspiration.

joshua asked me to pour out my inner feelings here. oknp.
ok kinda fei, but i dun tink im the same guy 2 years ago, ppl say jc life can change u velli much, i'd say HELL YEA. i was readin yx's blog the other day(couldnt get past the first 3 posts sry >< too much text, its hard on the eyes, im sure u understand ^^). i....dun agree that it's because got girls, cos honestly, i also dun talk to them -.- small talk nt counted ^^ anw if u ask me, ill say it's because we have more time, for some reason lols. A levels but we actually play more yea. its like, i tink im actually happier now in jc than i was in high school. i dun tink ive become a more active/exciting person, actually i tink ive gone the other way, im quieter, sort of. fuck it la, i tink joshua wants to read abt who i like. this must be boring stuff to read eh? too bad sucker HA.

he say blog about the cake. ok lor. the cake ____ ___ told me ___ ___ likes apples and watermelon and....i tink theres sth else i cant rmb, in addition to chocolate. so tt day i dropped at cine and walk all the way, i tried to avoid the hotels along the way, cos hotels = EX SHIATS. anw ya i walk and ask for apple/watermelon(watermelon is kinda impossible, yea) cakes, but sadleh the nearest i got was....pineAPPLE pie......ya....-.- so too bad lor continue to walk, then i ran out of time so i jus went to RP on scott cos i noe the box looks dam nice LOL, and +i was like at TANG's anw so ya i bought the cake, rush back home, back to sch for H3, nxt day bring cake, eat, end of story. boring. oh but ___ ___ nv eat wor, too bad -.- altho its like, my ____ _______ for her la LOL abit stupid. have fun filling kiddos ^^ o and anw, DUN READ TOO MUCH INTO IT, theres nth, really, like REALLY REALLY . altho i tink uall will jus fkin dao and guailan me -.- wadeva man. guailan me can alr kthnx dun go guailan other ppl^^.

holy moly, and i was saying yx's posts are wordy, look at wad i jus wrote. siao eh.

silence @ 11:13 PM

Friday, August 08, 2008

Well to be honest, the maldives shld be quite "famous" for being a "secluded" (oO oxymoron? lol)vacation spot. tucked away in the indian ocean, it's famous for its coral islands, and for its island resorts. it'd be really cool to be able to go diving there! ^^ esp. since the beaches look REALLY good, the water is just so clear.


it just looks so pristine...

random note: i love the colour of the clouds, half storm clouds half cloudy blue. lol

lol i tink u can tell, im nt rly into shopping and stuffs for vacations. why go from a urban city to another urban city =/ tts nt rly wad i call a vacation, u're nt changing much. of course, you meet different people, and seeing a different city oO is always a different experience. oh and of course going to the city means a higher chance to eat their foods ^^ but i'd rather go to the suburbs or more unknown cities where it's quieter =)

silence @ 11:54 PM

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

yea i've reopened this blog. no one reads it so i'll jus be talking to myself. this isnt a diary, cos i have my own diary. no its more of a space for me to say whatever i want to myself. tt sounds self-centered, but it's the truth to a really big extent.

holy moly jus look at that. it's koh samui in thailand, and what a beautiful beach this really is. yea the the blogskin is based on a beach and it's quite nice, but i think the beach in this picture is way nicer. 'tis my no. 1 vacation spot now. holidays used to just mean eating . well this is one place i would really like to visit, but first i need the moolah. and hope that this place isnt defiled by too many tourists and stuff by the time i have enuff money =/ there're more photos on koh samui and other beautiful beaches all over the net, and i've looked thru alot of them. just makes me wish i was rich enough to zip around all these places. =(

silence @ 7:59 PM