<body> keep calm. <body>
Saturday, September 29, 2007


aha, din update the scores for the past two exams, cos i were mugged for thems. anyways...final scorelines...


1- 5

but this is strictly how i felt after the exams, the results may differ greatly. lol...but who cares abt the results now, its gaming time! whopeeee!!

oh but, there're ppl still taking exams. so. good luck bio dudes, and CLL...and wadeva other exams the rest of u take...good luck! ^^

silence @ 1:23 PM

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG *sing to tune of "imperial march*

tml physix. i admit. im scared. IM DAM SCARED SHIT OMG IM GNA FAIL GGGGGGGG

-.- random rantings. because im almost done with physix, and like...i hope ive revised adequately. everytime i THINK ive revised enough i always still end up failing. =.= so i hope i ...er...will defy the odds and get E overall for physix.

in order to do that, i gotta aim high. so im aiming for an A for physics. aim high, and ur achievements will be fimba even if u fail, so its said. thats why im aiming to be 20Xricher than Bill Gates...so even if i fail, i wunt be too far off....EY EY EY HALT.

they say we should "learn til we die"...it sure is good to be learning something new everyday! like now. im learning a new topic called waves! THE DAY BEFORE EXAMS! LOL


silence @ 10:54 PM

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

ohhhhkay...so today was CHEM. the MCQ is freaking difficult, its a killer, and even Yixin the pro says that its challenging, so...yea i suppose, i wouldnt hope to get too high. but structured is a little easier, for some reason...rofl...so...a goal apiece for both sides!


1- 3

aha, tmr got one day to rest....mus mugz physux...zzz

silence @ 9:30 PM

Monday, September 24, 2007

rofl promos have started. and i shall continue with my practice from block test.


0 - 2

lol i can only hope the results will be in accordance with how i feel about the papers. =/ tomorrow chem. omg seriously. im screwed. and ya i noe everyone else is too. hm. except maybe a few, e.g. Yixin

silence @ 9:37 PM

Thursday, September 20, 2007

tio liao. -.- promos in 4 days. i'd say "i'm screwed" except that anyone who reads this would probably think "i'm more screwed than u la stfu noob", =p and i mus admit i've done tt loads of times b4. anyway, so. ya promos coming, i need to get at least an E for all subjects. and here are my aims for the subjects:

Physics: A
Chem: A
Maths: A
Econs: A

and here are my optimistic expectations:
Physics: E (REALLY optimistic)
Chem: E
Maths: E
Econs: E

can u tell im bored? i think u can. this is a rubbish post...but i always write rubbish posts, so whatever man...

silence @ 1:51 PM

Sunday, September 09, 2007

omg. its the end of the sep hols. sian. in 2 weeks its gna b promos. omg im quite scared. seriously. lol...

anywayS...check out this cool site:


lol its dam lame

silence @ 8:15 PM

oh freak
Monday, September 03, 2007

not something to be proud of...no really, it's pretty embarassing...BUT i seem to have done the impossible. my myopia is actually going UP -.- together with astigmatism (i think thats wad shan guang is called) my myopia is now like, nearly hitting 1200...omg...

GG. 1 day 2 chem topics. omg my revision is fimba slow OMGOMGOMGOMG....GGGG

and to make matters worse, i just got my FIFA World Cup 2006 game. gg LOL

silence @ 5:32 PM