<body> keep calm. <body>
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

wtf this sux. i shao injuries all over and im PISSED at them. they impair my ability to exert myself in street. like today. a high ball came in, i ran over....and jumped, but i was like, half trying to use my chest and half trying to use my legs. i just din dare to head. what the hell man.

oh btw, i knocked my head yesterday on...u noe? that low partition thing made of empty red squares, near the tennis court. cb hurts like crap. and aft that, went to kick ball, colided with another dude, now my ear also ji pain. walao...first time 1 day tio 2 injuries. ya it still bloody hurts.

anyway....i koped the following frm ssx's blog cos i found the thing described him pretty well =D obviously not the same thing la, but same survey rofl.

You Are An ISFP

The Artist

You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now).
You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children.
Simply put, you enjoy beauty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life.
Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs.

In love, you are quiet and sweet yet very passionate. You love easily.
You have an underlying love for all living things, and it's easy for you to accept someone into your heart.

At work, you do best in an unconventional position. You express yourself well and can work with almost anyone.
You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer.

How you see yourself: Sympathetic, kind, and communicative

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Incompetent, insecure, and overly sensitive

i shall not comment lol. except that i din doctor results. qing1 zhe3 zi qing1.

silence @ 8:44 PM

Saturday, July 28, 2007

hahaha, i've started playing pokemon again along with zh theyall haha! but i've forgotten alot about how the game's supposed to proceed =/ lol it was so long ago since i played haha.

neway, i forgot to mention in my last post, i've sprained my ankle for e first time tis year! yay. shocked it din come earlier haha. cos my toes r like, deformed =/ frm wearing small shoes, u noe, old shoes passed down frm my bro. dbl =/ and so my feet're unstable and im supposed to sprain more easily. but only once so far this year! haha 2 years ago, when i was overseas, i sprained BOTH ankles like 4-5 times each. haha but its like, cos sprained too much, so i recover v fast each time lol. and this time, heng the sprain wasnt too bad, i recovered on monday. i sprained it last friday. =/

aha. yesterday was interact installation! investiture. whatever, my english sux. neway old exco take over new exco la. haha, and hwachong st john also!! the 06 batch stepped down. a new batch of ncos have taken over. =/ i mus admit, i felt a twinge of dissapointment when i was watchin the interact intallment. BUUUUT life goes on, and election was so long ago alr, heck la im prob not suited for e job anyway haha!

ANYWAY, chem test. haha im screwed. im on pg 16 of kinetics. first time i've come so far. haha!

silence @ 4:36 PM

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

oh man i jus found out. chem lecture test on monday. what the hell, i haven't even started on kinetics and they're gna give us a test LOL

aaaand tmr is maths test. i think only got differentiation, ya quite sure lol it'd better only be differentiation....o.o if its not.....ASOJGOAEHOHEG lol

i dno wad else to write. haha! ok i shall stop.

silence @ 8:07 PM

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


theres nth to laugh about. -.- im not feeling happy or nethin. im feeling bloody pissed. i dno why maybe im having mood swings. PMS maybe.

nar jk im not feeling pissed at all. jus kinda sian diao =/ i cant seem to do physix tutorial! lol like structured first qn im stuck! lol. im dead hahaha...

hm. jl asked me a gd qn today. azzin he was talkin abt himself but im kinda like that too so..."why do i seem so happy even though im getting shit grades? *laugh laugh laugh* sec 4 ill b damn sad la! but why now i dun seem to care at all ah?" lol i dun seem to feel worried at all that my grades suck >< somethings wrong! haha...

on a lighter note, yay i think ive hit form on the court. although ya i still sux la, but better than week 1, lol i was playing like a stone in week 1, totally no ball sense. now still dun rly have la, but there's improvement. haha! hm but i still suck at soccer. lol this paragraph is total shit -.-

yay! it's raining! and like quite a big rain! must've mentioned, i luuuurve rain....when im indoors and have no intention to go out. if i want to go out, screw rain. LOL quite fei hahaha i also dno y....i like the dark and rain. -.- signs and symptoms of an emo kid LOL i shld go /wrist. =p

silence @ 10:12 PM

random rants
Thursday, July 12, 2007

lol im feeling freaking bored. damn bored lol. i think im screwing my own studies up lol. im totally not doing all my tutorials. except maths haha...but that dosen't really qualify as do lol...

anyway, im. BORED BORED BORED BORED BORED SUXSUXSUXSUXSUX. alright. this post is so totally random.

ah....lets...talk about....oh ya. what i hate. woot.

i hate. pepper. =/ i think pepper stinks. as in really smelly. i hate the smell of pepper lol.
i hate. boredom. cos that means ill stone, and altho im not hyperactive, i prefer to do sth than to stone.
i hate. you. lol jus kidding.
i hate. myself. yea! im an emo kid! i hate myself! /wrist!
i hate. random posts. LOL
i hate. physics. azzin really, i sux at physix so i hate it. -.- lame.

ok this can go on and on. and its getting kinda lame. i shall stop. and go....mug? lol maybe not. go fm la HAHA

silence @ 8:16 PM

A skull so thick nothing goes in.
Sunday, July 08, 2007

i dunt understand something.

Nobody in this world is perfect. Some of us are well, literally rotten lol. but there are some of us who are rotten and change without ppl giving them advice, azzin they mature you know? then there are those who learn the hard way, but they change nonetheless. good for you.

but there are those that just won't change, si3 xing4 bu4 gai3 we call it. i.e. hopeless case. fine, ignore and dao. end of story.

BUT here comes the killer group. those that seem to have warped minds. it's like, you know, in addtion to the many functions that our brain is equipped with, theirs come with the command "Upon hearing input, DISTORT and reproduce as BULLSHIT". lol its even worse than dun take comments. its take comments and dun understand and then still refuse to learn, or distort comment and think u r unreasonable and he is still correct. sad case la this type. but it befuddles me. i dunt understand how their minds work. =/

ah well. today i discovered something intriguing about singapore radio. in e morning arnd 8 go market, heard a news about some space toilet NASA is buying from russia. in e aftnoon arnd 5 go out, heard the EXACT SAME NEWS. =/ nice one la lol.

silence @ 10:44 PM