<body> keep calm. <body>
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

@#%&)@#&%) my network card is spoilt. so i cant access the freaking internet. im posting this using my dad's imba laptop that lags for 18 seconds (i timed it)whenver i start internet explorer. zzz have to go look for a new network card.

ive been appointed as the cake I/C without my knowledge. = = so anyways, i promised to buy the cake, so i made the trip. but it was raining, so i opened up a portal and teleported myself, together with wzmh and wenwei to KAP. i wanted to go westmall, but freaking rain put me off. + my gateway at west mall is spoilt. enuff laming. i bought a spectacular cake, a 27 by 27cm kueh lapis. , so there's enough for everybody! everyone can take like, a 1CMX1CM portion, and there's still enough to be left over. -.- lame. i bought a 27cm black forest, but its bengawan solo, so...the standard...q(-.-q)

silence @ 5:27 PM

Sunday, February 25, 2007

i. just. cant. stop. using. proED. speak.

crap, i resolved to stop using proed language, BUT I CANT!! i always subconsciously say "sane" or "ren" or "qing ni" @)#&)%@&#)(%& and when i DO manage to control myself, ill say "heng... i abit noob" and feel myself going -.-" !&%(@#&%)@#&% zzz i need to control myself! GRRRR

silence @ 4:15 PM

dead dead dead dead
Saturday, February 24, 2007

oh crap im dead dead dead dead dead, im gonna flunk chem flunk maths flunk everything.

i just tried redoing my chem and maths tutorials, and i realised i dno how to do quite alot of them. im dead. im gonna fail chem lecture test and maths assignment. im dead.

silence @ 5:35 PM

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

first off, Happy CNY to everybirdy! hope uall had a good intake this year =p, i didn't really have a good intake >< less relatives to visit. ha, but..er... thats...er... not the point of ang pows, right?

today is chu1 san1, and how lucky, we needn't go to school. + tomorrow theres PE which means uber slackness. yay i love it when public holidays fall on a sunday! long weekends for the win!

okay this was quite an uneventful CNY, with the exception of chu1 yi1, because my cousin nearly fought with the taxi driver, but anyway, i got very little relatives to visit now with the demise of my paternal grandma and granduncle.

so anyway, i think singapore's service sector can go burn itself no matter what people say. if you're in the service sector, be prepared to work on a bloody public holiday! even if you have no choice, no need to be a grumpy ass right? we don't expect good service on public holidays, cos who likes to work on holidays? but dunt give bad service, ya? no one bloody owes you anything.

on chu1 yi1, we were meeting at my maternal grandma's house for sth like "tuan2 yuan2 fan4". so, my first aunt took a taxi here, and that bloody driver got pissed off for no damned reason.

my aunt gave him ONE direction to stop at the correct block, and he said my aunt was controlling him. my aunt didn't see the small numbers of the pub. holiday surcharge beside the meter, and he said my aunt was blind. WTF?! then he flared up and wanted to hit my aunt and my cousin. it's totally random la, and he was shouting real loud. we were at the 11th story, the top storey, and his dulcet tones floated into the living room. what a cultured and even tempered person. truly the epitome of singapore's service industry.

i really salute those who work with a smile on holidays, and screw the lot of you who work with a frown.

silence @ 10:59 AM

Friday, February 16, 2007

CNY IS COMING! YAY!! now i can replenish the Tingfeng Needy Fund!

zz, today's CNY fun fair, our stall was pretty screwed. original idea sucked, better and newer idea got owned by teachers ZZZ. rofl, but it was fun watching people get their hair screwed by us hahaha

happy new year everybody!

silence @ 10:26 PM

Valentine's X Country Day
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

today valentine's + X country day.

愿天下有情人终成眷属 (wishing all couples in the world happiness)

愿华中越野没有人中暑 (wish all those who took part in X country didn't kena heat stroke) =.=

totally incoherent and totally random rofl

since im one of the many singletons in this world, i shall offer my best wishes to all couples in the world, Happy Vanlentine's. to my fellow singletons, despair not, at least we needn't blast holes in our pockets. to all those who achieved milestones in this X country, congratulations!

silence @ 8:00 PM

Monday, February 12, 2007

yay! we had our STJ yesterday, and it was at cafe cartel. the price/portion there is zomgwtf big so everyone sibeh full, esp since senior alex go and order some ice-cream desert thingy meant for people with bluewhale-like appetities. anywayZ, must thank the seniors for holding such a good STJ, altho the "activity" at the back was pure lameness, but the meal was cool. bad part: we're screwed for JTS. haha.

i bought my angel's present yesterday, and it looks sibeh cute. thanks shixian for lending 5 bucks :D my mortal's present i bought today... and i bought a new water bottle for myself. = =

during GP, we were doing pluralism/(the opposite, cant rmb wads e word) of races in schools. mr lim asked me to speak abt pros and cons of pluralism/(opposite), and uh...i...din dare speak my mind. :p later kena go see councillor...

silence @ 8:23 PM

try try
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

wtf the table screwed my template, crap!

silence @ 10:39 PM


Wrath:Very High
Envy:Very Low

Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

oh deek...low wrath...

silence @ 10:36 PM

class bbq!
Monday, February 05, 2007


today was class bbq! and it was FUN! woots must thank jia yee for that, and kudos to everyone who turned up! yeah! those who din, nxt time class outing must come zomg.

anyway, today everybody meng guan4 alcohol la horh, chun meng ftw. then shixian totally got drunk, and he went berserk on the mrt, started doing SANE stuff HAHA, then the auntie sitting next to him keep staring at him rOFL. i din drink, i guai gia 8-)

aiya go slp alr, tmr fail GP and maths test. yay.

silence @ 12:01 AM

ooi stop it la
Thursday, February 01, 2007

wootS today's chem prac was sibeh fun, ignoring the 1 hour prac-turned-tutorial segment. ok, we were supposed to heat some solid, but mus make sure the boiling tube dosent crack. anyway, when we were weighing the solid, yip kang did something really classic. his boiling tube mass is 31.16, and his boiling tube + soild mass is 35.16. THEN he go and calculate the difference using calculator...zomg 35.16-31.16, imba question sia, gg dno how to do. really...indisputably...a prawn brain.

yays i installed starcraft! now i just need to find the no-cd crack, and i can relive the days of classic gaming! yayZ!

hahas, and i must commend jack for his hard work, gogogo you can do it!

silence @ 5:29 PM