<body> keep calm. <body>
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

i think im going senile or something, i totally cant recognise my ex-primary school classmates. haha, yx brought me to support his classmate, su hui, who was auditioning for talenttime. i totally didnt recognise that name, and when she came and talk to me, i totally "who are you zomg" zzz, senile ftw, mug too much and make ur brain rot ftw. maybe next year i wont be able to recognise yixin!

anyway, today was a crappy day, i sprained my ankle. again. haiz...but spraining my ankle has its benefits! now i can slack during singma. even if they ask me to do some boring thing, at least i dun haf to do case...i hope...zomg. I HATE SINGMA.

wootZ i finished my first season with barca for fifa07. im gonna go start my 2nd season, ciao!

silence @ 6:26 PM

Friday, January 26, 2007

oh crap, tomorrow is singma first training, and i havent, and wunt, polish boots. screw it. tomorrow the training 9-6 wtf?! 9 hours woot! i cant even last through the boredom of 4 hours of training in school, and now i need to stand 9 hours worth of imba HQ training. i am SO screwed. what's more, because of this crappy thing, i cant go yixin's house! OH DOUBLE F!

Singapore-Malaysia St. John's First Aid and Home Nursing Competition. I hope it's really worth this time and effort, tmd. im throwing myself into the OWNAGE HQ efficiency. holy crap, why am i doing this?! oh crap.

on a happier note, 07S6E blog is up! yay! and people start posting alr! whoopeee! hope this helps to bond our class furthur! yay!

silence @ 11:30 PM

Thursday, January 25, 2007

oh GG, we're gonna fail chem! ownage tutor ftw!

today i met bo xuan at 171, and he was telling me abt the STP classes. wtf they are totally sick to the core. their science knowledge is gg imbaness. like, all the ulu ulu theories in things like nanotech, there can be people in STP who actually know about such stuff O.O oh noes, next time mus compete for jobs with these people. GG!

im gonna flunk physics too, but this is entirely my own fault. i cant understand anything. im dead o.o

today i ji happy sia. i was playing fifa, and i was using barca. directly aft kick-off, i use eto'o to tackle their striker, then i randomly from inside the circle, and i scored! haha!

ah that's it, bye

silence @ 9:01 PM

oh noes...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

i dunno if i shld join that singapore-malaysia first aid and home nursing competition? if i join, it just means all my free time is going to be dominated by st john for the third year running. and if past experience is anything to go by, im going to put myself through...a horrible time. but if i go, and IF get selected AND win, then portfolio will look ji nice... T_T oh noes... jing tui liang nan! nuuu...

silence @ 7:07 PM

Saturday, January 20, 2007

hurrah! new theme, new skin, new url.

since i've stopped being a sadistic monster for almost half a year now(after passing out from st john), i don't think sadist-bear fits me anymore. on the other hand, myopia is something that has been with me for as long as i can remember. i think i started wearing spectacles even before primary school. then there was this period of a few years, when my degree climbed by 100 every half a year, which means 200 every year. it's stopped climbing ever since, but the damage done is still noteworthy. so much so that half the time, the first thing people notice about my side profile is "how thick your lens are!"

and then of course the next question is "how deep is your degree". after they get the answer, adults will most of the time say "so deep at such a young age! oh my!" or something along those lines. i've heard that line since i dno when, and comes from ALL adults, espcially the optimetrists or the eye specialists at NUH. oh ya, and every year during the corny health checks, i don't even bother taking off my spectacles. it's like:

me: "cannot read" *specs still on*

nurse: "huh? take off your specs first"

me: "cannot read la..." *specs off*

nurse: "first letter?"

me: "cannot la"

nurse: "..."

bloody myopia has really caused me alot of problems, apart from the near-blindness without my specs. for example, my mom says chrysanthemum tea is helpful for the eyes, so last time, everyday have to drink horrible tasting chrysanthemum tea, partly because it's SO concentrated, and partly because my mom feels adding sugar defeats the whole purpose. also, have to attach some machine thing to my earlobes, which is supposed to help with the myopia. basically, it's like the machine emits bloody painful pulses to my ear lobes, and i gotta endure that for half an hour. of course, despite all these, plus things like looking far and minimal TV and computer, my degree continued to grow uncontrollably. rofl when i was in pri school, i used to wonder if ill go blind by the age of 20, but now it seems like i wont! haha...ha... -.-

i think it's something to do with my genes :( my whole family is bespectacled, my bro's degree is near mine, my sis is alot better, but we're all bespectacled, cept my sis, who wears contacts. i considered wearing contacts myself, cos hard lens are supposed to control the degree...but the optimetrist says must have good hygiene o.O so i gave it up. but maybe ill go for lasic within these few years. sian.

wa...this is really long...sighs

silence @ 5:13 PM

Thursday, January 18, 2007

wakao today i bei dao twice T_T. first time is b4 maths lecture, i thought i saw wan rong, then i wave to her, and tio dao. fine nvm maybe its not her. going home that time i saw rebaca, wave outright to her, tio dao AGAIN. HEI-PI(happy). GAO XING.

looks like i must go for toastmasters more often. going for leetmasters allows me to hone my "dao" and stone skills. sit there and dao everything/everyone. but apparently nxt week im gonna be wad, toastmaster of the evening. nice! at least that's better than being, wad, "ah counter". "ah counter" is supposed to count the pause-fillers.

i did that yesterday night, and i totally flunked that job. i CANNOT concentrate on their bloody speeches, except during the first and last minutes. the middle part 4-5 mins i will just drift off. i shouldn't day dream, i shouldn't. did i mention that i procrastinate quite alot?

that's all, must go and mug alr, tomorrow got GP, PHYSICS and CHEM tutorials to show our tutors. zzz. HOLY I JUST REMEMBERED, TMR GP DIAGNOSTIC TEST! GGNORE!

silence @ 4:00 PM

"right click"
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

zzz. we are a buncha zibeis T_T. everyday come school, the 6E proedians will "right click". in starcraft, right click moves a unit(as in war3), and if u right click a bunch, they move in to that point together. i.e. we will gather in a group and form a clique(click). woot OJ! OWNAGE JOKE! FUNNY! FUNNIEST! FUNNELICIOUS!

I went for the interact briefing with Prince Ma Hua and zhen chao and hang. to my utter disbelief, i saw yixin there O.O and cheng yuan (O.O)X2. left 15mins into the briefing cos i going tae kwon do "training". lol we were supposed to go out and write out names down for interview. when i went out...someone heard me say "where's ming wei de" HOLY SH*T. but nvm, i going with leeyeesheeng t3h bien. the tae kwon do "training" right, I NEARLY DIED FROM THE STRETCHING, I THINK WEILIANG IS OUT TO FUCKING MURDER ME. when we bent down, he zhijie poke his knee into my back! ZOMG PAIN!!! ming te rox, go for tae kwon do in judo T-shirt lol! then we were saying, if he got pissed off with his spar partner, he'll zhijie grab the leg and *BAM* WOOT. haha, then the last spar, between a black belt J1 and a blue belt '05 senior, the black belt J1 is totally pwns that blue belt grand seniors.

that's all, im going to zi kua again, write that account of achievement for the founder's day publication thing.


silence @ 9:53 PM

Saturday, January 13, 2007

today went back school to see mock comp. the way i see it, AA team this year is loads better than last year's. experience, maybe? perhaps its more likely that the NCOs are hardworking oO. anyway congrats to AA for getting first, (although its 3rd try for some of them) and hope AC can jia you, still got mock comp 2!!

i v happy sia, today i actually overcame the temptation to play LAN! wootZ! but i still cant control myself when it comes to slacking off halfway into mock comp. went to play soccer with wenxuan theyall when i vowed to stay thru the whole mock comp ><

yayZ, tmr OG15 outing :D

silence @ 3:53 PM

Thursday, January 11, 2007

LECTURES HAVE STARTED!!! the lifeline has been cast for all muggers out there, daily rituals for have now started, the scriptures have been handed out, let the mugging begin!

That's all, this was a boring day, and this is a boring post, just like any other post. the main purpose is to display shi xian's imbaness, as shown in our class flag:

abit noob right? if u nv notice, it's the same thing even if looked at upside down. someone told me its called...aminagram....animagram...whatever la, neway it's the type of thing that looks the same downside up or upside down. it may lack some colour, but that's because we couldn't get red paint, which is =(. btw, it reads 07S6E, please dun neglect the curve in the middle, like some people do when they look at it.


before that...

Biomechanical Electronic Assassination Replicant

Get Your Cyborg Name

silence @ 9:08 PM

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Not lying de. college canteen food. SUX BIG TIME ZOMG. monday i tried xiao mi mi fan cai, cos i wanted to compare them to green/purple plate in high school. First thought upon first mouth: "I must be hallucinating, this isn't food." 2nd mouth: "SUI ARH!!!" 3rd mouth "zOMG im putting myself through torture." 4th mouth "I actually PAID for this?" end up i totally sian diao and dumped the remaining half of the damned plate away. If i'm not wrong, this happened on monday, i've decided never to go back to "xiao mi mi fan cai" EVER AGAIN. one word. SUI!!! aftnoon when we went back to high school side for OG lunch, the difference between green plate and xiao mi mi is...天壤之别.

newayZ, ytd nth special sia, though i pity my classmates, had to carry me across during amazing race, and i seriously ABIT LIGHT.

Today do wad? favourite hobby la! stone ftw!

silence @ 9:21 PM

Monday, January 08, 2007

1 word says it all. sian. today ohlientehsen continued. and we didn't play the games in the morning with our CT group, which i feel is sibeh lucky, cos, at least at present OG15 > 6E. But first day only, pass judgement so fast will kena strike by lightning. Hexathalon(spelt tt way? rofl) was cool! 1. Tug of war, 2. Passing-catching-Captain's ball thingy 3. Foosball 4. Knight's duel 5. Street fighter. Should rename tug of war, abit not backstab wars man. 4 teams playing, dno how many times we shing each other, change alliances for duno 356293650 times. t3h rest nth special, cept foosball. =D t'was fun sia, tho seriously v hard to maneouvre (maneewveere...manoover..zzheck). shaojie damn pro la, score shao =D. zz, to put it short, OG 15 ftw!

when i got the CT, at e start sibeh happy, abit shao proED people. but at the back jiu zzggf*ck, ren2 ban1. HOPE it wunt be so bad. first day. dunt pass judgement. cannot. cannot.

tts all, today quite sleepy, nothing to perk me up. slamdunk...finished watching le, can return ming yeung loh. ill go and blast that indian twinkle twinkle little star. i hope it makes me high enough if i repeat it 100+ times. SANE. get pi high, abit not go insane. but the tune...REALLY DAMN CATCHY!!!!!!! I <3 THAT SONG TO T3H EXTR3M3!!!

silence @ 10:11 PM

ohlientehsen ftw sia
Friday, January 05, 2007

2day is the last day we stayed with our orientation groups. rofl monday we all split up and get thrown into different classes, shuuuuufuuuu. Today the games...CLEAN, HYGENIC(hygienic?), DRY. First up, MINEFIELD. SHUANG, crawl through the mud ftw!! 2nd game, SHOOSH! glide along soapy seats to play scissors paper stone, making our underpants DRY. 3rd game, HIT AND RUN, nothing much, quite boring = = haha. last game, FIND THE CANDY(or wadeva its called), GENG SHUANG. plunge ur head into flour, and use ur head to find a piece of candy, then HOLD IT IN YOUR MOUTH and bring it back to ur group. ooooh. CLEAN.

actually, the games quite fun la, 'cept hit 'n' run. Minefield, get muddified owns. Shoosh, quite funny. Find the candy, dip ur face into flour so fun! =D

Well, that's t3h end of orientation, OG15 rock on!!

Anyway, here are some fotos frm my trip to UK.

Roman Baths...in the City of Bath (honest!)

Edinburgh Castle

Tower Bridge - London (Got diff between tower bridge and london bridge, tower bridge looks nicer :D)

A Christmas Fair in Edinburgh, it's bloody cool

Arthur's Peak - Edinburgh. It's an extinct volcano, but not the one Edinburgh Castle is built on. btw, anyone can spot my sister? rofl.

silence @ 10:50 PM

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

After speaking to chao tong t3h l33t, my mana gained by 9999 and i had enuff mp to reincarnate. = = leng~~~

anyway, revival it is, since this blog has been stagnant for 1+ months, shao mosquitoes. "Leaving a pool of water the size of a 20cent coin is enuff to breed mosquitoes" WTF IM LAMING.

Recap m'hols 4 awhile since i left off. well, basically after coming back from china, i had 2 weeks to slack, woot abit too much aint it? so the time left over was used to? STONE! YEAH! thus, hols = slack, stone, dota. =D bu shuang.

aft that, flew off to The Glorious United Kingdom, comprising England, Scotland and N. Ireland. anyway, it was a 10-day trip, and me and my shishtah moved from London, to Edinburgh, then to Glasgow, then back to Lawndawn.

London....had nothing fun or nice, nothing much anyway. But there was abit of a scare, because the haze came on, and flights were cancelled. pandemonium reigned. and we were afraid it would be that way when we were supposed to come back.

Moving on, Edinburgh was cool, in fact, the nicest of the 3, i'll say. It's abit like Lyon, with old and new halves. Old part consists of The Royal Mile Street, leading up from duno where to Edinburgh Castle, with alot of closes (something like shady alleyways) leading off. The closes are really old, and there's tons of history in that area. rofl the city supposedly became what they look like today because of a volcanic eruption. oO then the hardened lava and all forced ppl to build it into slopes and all, rofl v interesting. something real cool, edinburgh castle is built on top of an extinct volcano! sweet!

Something interesting here: in old times, no toilet bowls, ya? ppl did their business in a...sort of pail/bucket. So if u wanted to empty it, u could 1) Walk down a few stories, probably tripping over and...well... 2) open window, empty into the streets, done. So 2 obviously was more appealing. Well it resulted in nasty incidents, so their government decided to ALLOW such things within a designated time frame (><"....), but people had to shout some french thingy (french was official lang in that era), which was supposed to be a warning before erm, empyting. anyway, scots at that time, were obviously inadept at french. so that thing got distorted beyond recognition, it became "Gayleeloo!!"(im spelling it from phonics). So that was probably okay, EDINBURGH people knew they had to hide after 10pm at nite, or listen for "Gayleeloo". BUT foreign ppl...would not know...so upon "Gayleeloo!!!" they'd probably look UPWARDS! into "mucky water". on a side note, people often open their mouths when looking up. :D

Sorry to all my friends, but im really unable to buy gifts, pounds = S$X3 T_T and im poor, azzin no $$ the poor. so, very sorry, very sorry.

Fast forward (>>) today is the MUCH AWAITED(<--sarcarsm) Ohlientehsen. i thank my lucky stars im not in the sacred group. ^^ nothing really bad happened today. except the talks. one word. boring. and tmr got summore academic talks. ZZZ. zTMD sian. rofl. oh yeah, and tmr wet games sia, ABIT SHUANG(<-- cant detect sarcasm is bai chi) rofl. ciao.

silence @ 8:08 PM