<body> keep calm. <body>
Competition. Maybe.
Monday, March 27, 2006

Definition of competition: A test of skill or ability (according to American Heritage Dicitonary)

1st April.

Is it a competition?

Only 10 people will know.

Another definition: The act of competing, as for profit or a prize (Again by American Heritage Dicitonary)

Now is it a competition?

Only HCI AC and AA will know.

Oh well, zone com this saturday. Heaven and Hell awaits.
Yesterday i went for zone 5 competition. lol their zone is a quiet zone, well at least compared to our zone lar. woot on saturday it will be PACKED at HQ. But yesterday, you'd mistake the team doing footdrill as just practising. Whole place is just SO empty!! The school that sent the most people was...NY. = = expected lawl. i duno if we can send that much people down on saturday oO i don't even know if i can get more than 15 cadets as supporters. maybe not even 10. pathetic right. ya it is. pathetic. horrible. seniors going out there to compete and they care more about their swimming lessons than their seniors. woot, excellent, wonderful, c'est fantastique. tres bien. je les detestes(got grammer mistake? i think have. my french sux)
i go do maths le. the only thing that cheers me up now is that differentiation is such an ez subject...zZz i hate stoning in mathe lesson. zZz.

hope it's not ggnore this saturday. as i said to yik hang, if we dun get dbl champs, ill probably do something to indirectly suspend the corps. i might. lawl.

p.s congrats to NY for winning 2nd. and best leader. and best footdrill. and home nursing.

silence @ 9:03 PM

Saturday, March 25, 2006

so long nv come back le...laawl
hurrah i got promoted yesterday. but i screwed up = =. my boots slipped when i turn to face yap ><. neway, i think im gonna throw away my rank because it is SSG(Staff Seargant)!!!! GRRRR i dun wanna b SSG(Sadist Slacking Gay)!!! neway, i dun understand why previous batches NCOs like to purposely test the cadets whether or not they noe the NCOs' new rank(by asking lame qn, then if cadets reply wrong rank then pump). The cadets COME UP to you and make the mistakes. Like Eugene. Who screwed up TWICE woot pwnt. report to sickbay: Good afternoon Corporal. kena pump liao still "1 Corporal!" -.- lol and he's not the only one...at least 5 others still called me corporal. laawl

I get the feeling si jie's team will do quite well in zone com after i see them do case. maybe they wunt lose to xinmin as badly as i predicted. Maybe the margin won't be more than 50! maybe...
Oh yes, and si jie today kena the old stretcher...must be ji pain!! Doing case that time casualty knocked over the old stretcher. when i saw it i as like aiya nvm no one will kena let it fall...THEN I SAW SI JIE AND I SHOUTED "OLD SHIT" cause that was the first thing that came to my mind laaawwl. That stretcher is abit light...7-8kg stretcher ><><

I tink i will dao yik hang and don't go tomorrow...siao 9 oclock so early knn. haiz i jus see whether zhen chao going lar...ok byebye

silence @ 11:46 AM

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I am so zibei. Henry and Liye, my dear PC2s got Seargants, but i F#&^@! am still a stinking corporal, and now my sec 2 junior is same rank as me! *shocked*. nebermind...come term2 week 1, im sure ill thrash them! yea!
Neway, going off to camp tomorrow, competition team camp. zZz...i just spent the last hour planning out cases for them. and the person-i-fucking-despise better not come in and disrupt my training. If not im gonna show him ap. Damn it man im bloody pissed with him already. I can see now why his own batch of NCOs despise him so much. lol friday damn funny he come then i boycott training, go take squad. Then squad footdrill improve so much! woot! tt proves i pwn at training footdrill, at least in squad drill. Com team kena dao by me is their loss :p
I go pack for camp liao...although there is nothing to pack, physics w/s, notes, shirts, soccer ball, toiletries. ta-dah, im done. not forgetting my EZ-link card lar...

silence @ 12:18 PM