<body> keep calm. <body>
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

SLim wants me to see him EVERYDAY this week for HRP. What the hell. Ah...at least my HRP proposal looks a little bit more human now. But i can't be bothered to go find sources. zZz
Mock com coming this saturday. yay. i hope they dont get owned too much this time round, at least they have been training alot more now. although ive been slacking abit more also :p. but seriously, this time i can see it in them. They want to win. Won't blame them if they lose liao(unless the margin is >10, or they don't get Best CPR).
nothing much else....the past week has been pretty boring. Well unless you discount the new SANE game in my class...soccer ball ramming. I'm surprised the teacher downstairs dosen't come up at all, :D
MATHS FAIL!!! :D 92.5/100!!! FAIL!!!! :D:D:D:D i can't believe i actually got so high...:D but weizheng the nOOb pwned me...99/100. = = sickass.

silence @ 6:30 PM

new tag board~~
Monday, February 20, 2006

Finally got a new tagboard(flooble one kena disable ><) !!! but can someone please enlighten me on how to turn the remaining white box into black colour?! I managed to do the rest, but this one... i cant find the necesary part to insert the necessary script :( sian.
lol tomorrow got toastmaster again...:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( xiang3 qu4 man...tmd...@()#&@()#&%

silence @ 4:46 PM

BAO(boom) BAO(boom)
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

After so many tests in succession, the mugging season for this term is finally OVER. Unfortunately, i am unable to bring back the news of my various F9s, since my teachers have all decided not to return my papers = =". Now, i can finally blog...phewZ.
Failures of tests are not unfortunate things i encountered, nope. Lets see...my left foot has had a wonderful time this weeked thanks to wei cheng and some shopping centre's elevator. Firstly, on saturday during soccer, i blocked wei cheng's shot and my FOOT TWISTED?! WT*?! and it was zOM*G pain. damn. Nevermind, it healed the next day, a.k.a sunday. Went out with family, got to this shopping centre in Chinatown, and elevator not working, and we had to friggin climb up tt thing. Ok fine not like it's the first time..then i TRIPPED AND MY LEFT FOOT GOT SLICED ON THE SHARP EDGES AND IT WAS @)#&%)@&#%) PAIN!!!!!! and guess wad? after i went down to apply plasters, and came back up(to buy things) the same elevator was working. wow. im such a lucky chap. (if u havent noticed, the 2 BAOs are for this para)
Any SJAB person reading this might be owndering why there is no post on Mock Com. Simple: nothing worth posting. We lost, big deal, like i give a heck. BUT....Mock Com 2 will be a different case...AC1 and 2 better look out.*pissed look*.

silence @ 6:36 PM