<body> keep calm. <body>
kena own
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

omg we kena own by some *DUNO COME FROM WHERE* hippies. We were robbed, mugged and OWNED UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT CENTRE OMG?!?!?! i think only a few ppl will understand what im talking about....*evil cackle*
I think im too slack...i must strive to explore other ways to intensify training...asec 3s are abit too soft...cannot lar, few months later gonna b NCOs liao...must not be as soft as they are now!!! they must be the elites!!!! JUNE CAMP WILL BE MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
i think im crapping....oO = = >.<
yay...me and zc finally put our ownage signatures on that proposal...and finally tt proposal is done weee!!! = =


silence @ 9:02 PM

First weekend '06
Saturday, January 07, 2006

weeeeee it's the first weekend of 2006!!! dammit man...i realised that compared to sec 1's first weekend, my first weekend in sec 4 has at least twice the amount of hw!! >.<" zOMG man that compre Mrs Sim set us is so zomfg infrential until im starting to think it's a psychology paper = =...it's like the term 3(2?) paper we took in sec 3 man...bian tai.
oh wellZ i realised that i like SMGs so much more to rifles in CS man...more easy to hs with SMGs than with rifles, to me. When u hs that guy but dun kill right, u will hear that nice *thunk* summore...so i think i will stop using rifles and start using SMGs!!
lmao...today i was higher than scourge and sents AGAIN in terms of score in dota. lol i realised that u jus need to end game by 45 mins and get to level 22 by arnd 40 mins...ur hero experience score will own the scourge and sent's unit producing score LAWL!!!~ sian...mus go do that BSP MRP liao...
NUUUU I DUWAN DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

silence @ 5:05 PM

omg first day of school
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

lol...it's been more than a freaggin one month since i last friggin posted...lAWllables

My form teacher is Mrs Sow zOMG she roXXor...at least she teaches me right...not like last yr my form teacher duzzen teach me = =
eh...englee become janey again...omg im gonna miss SLim manZ...damn bloody funny lar...and ulti time waster...

hm...recently took an interest to CS...prob bcos im always on the lookout for hackers....sian but long time nv c liao...got hacker roX man..."Lock 'n' Load *within 15 secs hacker use scout hs ALL 10 enemies* Counter Terrorists Win!" = =" but seriously spectate them playing damn bloody funny...when u get fragged by them also damn funny...but hacking almost always certainly kena kill one lar...one guy take manual shotgun fire random a shot infront, then u infront of him trying to use speedhack to nife mwahahaha confirm tio rape....awp also the same...lAwl rox...

haiz...nth much to say liao cept tt st john is giving me a bloody lot of headaches lar...sian...='(

silence @ 9:49 PM