<body> keep calm. <body>
aw dang
Thursday, December 11, 2008

oh yays, we had a bbq at my hse ytd, and it was great, i hope everybody had fun =) and my thanks to everybody who came. too bad so many ppl're overseas, or it wld probably have been a bigger gathering, but still,i suppose it was gd enough.

time really does fly -.- before we knew it, it was time to go! and before we know it, it's time to say goodbye! we've really ended now, haven't we...i mean, we really aren't going back to school any more...and gatherings like these are going to get fewer and fewer. all our happy memories are...well, happy memories, nothing more, nothing that can occur again no matter how much we wish for them to. and sad memories, hopefully, will become lessons learnt so we can grow:) our class really is awesome, and so many of us have our respective traits that will likely, and hopefully, make us successful individuals in the future. we are, most likely, going to change. all of us. i just hope, sincerely, that we all change for the better, and don't morph beyond recognition. this has been a really, really happy chapter of my life, and i hope it's been the same for the rest of you =)

silence @ 3:53 PM

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

shit....these few days i keep....emoing. like, emo over stuff i cant possibly do anything about. and after i watched Cape no. 7, i was extra emo, for some reason. i mean, now tt i tink abt it, the movie also not the very sad type.

i always tell myself tt things i emo over are likely things that aren't worth my time. but then, when im alone, i just bu zhi bu jue start emoing. and thinking about the same stuff all over again. oO is tt supposed to be normal? i have no idea. its like a chronic problem. oh and as a sidenote, i read that emotions shldn't be confused with episodic emotive dispositions. makes sense? didn't, and dosen't really make sense to me. but, if im not wrong, its basically saying that e.g. a joke made you laugh, yeah tt happiness is an emotion, but when u meet a close friend, that sense of "friendliness" or "warmness" apparently isnt an emotion. damn its confusing.

damn. errr sprained my ankle...again. -.- and wootz i have a cool music player with one cool song.

silence @ 9:24 PM