It's the end, of secondary school life. Rest 2 more months, and its another beginning...of JC life. dammit xiang continue...
neway my MSG is below class average :(. class average is 1.11, and i'm 1.12. :( sadZ. 4H is imba.
silence @
5:46 PM
i really hate 4H. wtf man, stanley calculated our class msg, and estimates it to b abt 1.147. WTF?! which means im....below average...and it also means that ill prob. b bottom 10 of class. woot 4H SANE CLASS MAN!!!!
today, went back for NE quiz + chinese remedials. both of which are totally dumb.
the ne quiz was a game tt was like SIM City, but mus answer *cough cough*NE*cough cough* related questions. then gain pts, build stuff, then ure graded according to assets. there r 3 eras, and with wx and tianyu helping me, we alr got master builder at 2nd era lAWl sane...and stupid.
chinese remedials is another stupid fu*kas* thing. wtf man today got NE quiz, but lessons will b from 8-1.30 from now on. SHUANG MAN NON-STOP (cept recess) CHINESE FOR 1 WHOLE DAY!!! WOOOOOOOO
silence @
6:36 PM
it didn't go TOO bad. i got back my 3ple science marks today. all not bad, chem very much above expectation. lalala...
tmr still got another 3 subjects havent take back, and im quite scared T.T
nth much happen, today WX and I went to look for SLim for HRP marks. but he ended up talking LOADS of other stuff (we koon get back our hrp marks, not allowed), spanning from JC subject combinations to lots of other stuff lawllables.
aft tt, went with wen wei to coro for lunch, cos we had like, frm 11 to 1, b4 we get to check our physix paper. the rest were checking chinese (non-BSP). then wenwei intro-ed me to FIFA street oO abit noob graphics but gameplay still average. Well, after playing EA sports for abt....4-5 yrs, i suppose i've gotten use to the gameplay. but i still think EA sports games suck, totally non-realistic. but at least their graphix r improving. oh wellZ...
silence @
10:12 PM
i got a new tagboard! hurrah! the old one ceased to work for some reason, and i cant b bothered to find out y.
neway, i also finished writing my testimonial. the whole thing's dumb, its like praising urself tmd. 4F "脸皮薄俱乐部" will own at it lol.
neway, went out to border's today, and i realised i MUST get a new shoe b4 i go china. theres a freaking hole in the right shoe, and as i've tested b4, when it rains, my right foot tends to be a lot wetter than the left. shufu.
played cs with jl and got owned tmdupsidedownomfgwtfggnorebbq. but at least i noe my smg (namely mp5) is SLIGHTLY better than him. other things (awp/carb/ak/commando/aug/para/shotguns/other smgs/glock/usp/deagle/nife/he
/flashbang/smoke/spraypaint/shield/vesthelm/5-7/dualelites/etc.etc) hes much better than me. lol.
silence @
9:10 PM
ok, this thing is really lame. i wrote it in sec 1 for SWP, and in sec 2 for NZG. both times, i SOMEHOW scored high marks. in fact, HIGHEST marks for my chinese compo on both accounts. neway, to quote NZG "很有创意", and my content mark abit noob. ah well nvm, i had nth to do so i typed out the whole thing. i changed literally nth, especially content. only thing is that the “尖头面包" part wazzen in the sec 1 edition, but it WAS in the sec 2 edition, so....
It WAS bloody funny when i first wrote it out, (koy min, weixiang, zihua, and e ppl i showed to luffed) but now it jus seems plain lame and leng. nvm. (koy still seems to find it funny, tho. oO)
neway, presenting
一个雷电交加的傍晚,天空下着毛毛细雨。我来到了不里不里公园。我来这边的目的不是为了运动,而是为了……散步。对,就是为了散布。我把车锁好了就慢慢走向公园的入口。入口处有一个小山坡,爬上去就到了不里不里公园了。我慢慢爬上山坡,小心!雨天路滑 ,爬山坡时差点滑倒了!还好没有跌倒。过了几分钟,终于爬上了山坡,好气喘啊!
步入公园,我碰到了一个大难题 – 向左走,向右走?还是…往前走吧。我沿着小路慢慢地走,来散步嘛。走了不久,我看到一对情侣…好恩爱啊!可是,我看着他们不到一分钟,那个女的突然站了起来,刮了那男子一巴掌!又刮,再刮!哇…好狠啊!我真可怜那个男生…可是,反正我也不知道发生了什么事,就继续往前走吧。
走 了两百米左右,来到了一个草原。我慢下脚步,欣赏蜜蜂采蜜的情景。可是突然,一只蜜蜂直往我的头飞过来,还好我闪了过去,那只蜜蜂也没回过头来烦我。忽 然,后边传来了一个恐怖的惨叫声!我转过头来,看到一个可怜的小男孩被一只大狼狗追着!打狼狗穷追不舍,小男孩就拼命地跑,一下子就绕过我,沿着小路跑了 下去。五分钟之后,我听到前面有什么东西在呻吟着。我急忙往前面跑,想要他呢个究竟。结果看到那只狼狗倒毙在一颗大榴莲树下,它的头旁边躺着一粒榴莲。原 来…是被砸死的,好可怜啊。可是…我的眼睛怎么…出现了问题吗?怎么刚才那个小男孩抱着那只狗痛哭?哦,原来是那只大狼狗的狗主,也够可怜的了。不关我的事,我也不加理会了,继续散布!
我 转过身来继续走。我碰到了一对父子。父亲正在教孩子骑脚踏车,就是照着很多父亲那样做的,两手握着那部脚踏车,然后趁孩子不注意时放开手。父亲放开手之 后,孩子骑得蛮稳的嘛!可是骑了没多久,儿子开始发出尖叫声(失去平衡了),脚踏车左摇右摆,就这样摆呀摆!好惊险啊!可是儿子最终无法改变自己的命运, 一定要跌倒。可是我万万也没想到,儿子骑着骑着,就骑到湖里便去了。唉!第一次骑脚车就掉进湖里,够倒霉的了。
当 我走到差不多是原点的地方时,突然看到一个大汉正在抢劫一名女子!受害者一直高喊救命。怎么办?刀+?还是不要啦。我冲上前(英雄救魔兽)从书包里掏出我 唯一的武器!正中的法国肩头面包!我用这个面包把劫匪打得头破血流,落荒而逃。久了一个姑娘,却苦了自己!晚餐泡汤了!!
刀 means to ignore.
silence @
6:10 PM
silence @
11:39 AM
...duo comments.
the end draws near...
English, Bio, Chem, Physix, Chinese Paper 2 Maths Paper 1, Maths Paper 2, Chinese Paper 1.
silence @
7:23 PM
...i think i will fail. nevermind.
wish all the people taking ihc tmr luck.
English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics Chinese Paper 2, Maths paper 1, Maths Paper 2, Chinese Paper 1, FREEDOM
silence @
5:45 PM
...was a bloodbath.
"OMG Mrs Sow setting! aiya can dun mug also get A1 lar"
"OMG Mrs Sow setting! i damn scared lar, later halfway through the paper i laugh too much then kena the invigilator"
nbkpccb. work out the acronyms urself. Mrs Sow-Peh Yeoke Keow turned from kind, understanding, wonderful teacher into evil, clod-blooded, horrendous murdering monster. Compared to the free frag tests she gives, EOY was means to KILL not meant to TEST.
goodgoodnore. may lady luck be with all of us.
English, Bio, Chem
silence @
1:52 PM down.
5 more subjects to go.
8 more days.
silence @
11:44 AM
and so it begins...
9 more days til the end.
it will come...
...unless of course u get so depressed u take your own life. which is, like, stupid, of course.
silence @
3:09 PM
...he did it again, yixin pwns us all O M F G...oh yea yea yea yea = =||
well, yixin's at it again! hes started a pwnage 四辛三字经, posted on his blog, go read it if u havent.
tomorrow marks the beginning of the end of year examinations. we should rejoice.
and at the same time.
we should.
OMFG PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
silence @
10:10 PM